Unpaid Clerkships


Morning Docket: 11.22.12

* We’ve discussed this trend before, and it continues: administrations of the LSAT plunge further, reaching their lowest level since 1999. [Economix / New York Times] * We’ve discussed this trend before, and it continues: judges are still offering unpaid clerkships (even though the days of law firm deferrals are behind us). [Salon] * We’ve discussed this trend before, and it continues: law schools sometimes discriminate against conservatives, as jurors from the Teresa Wagner trial told Iowa’s leading newspaper. [Des Moines Register] * Are you mooching off of someone else’s wireless internet? If so, consider yourself warned. [WSJ Law Blog] * Are you a lover of Twinkies? If so, consider yourself warned (although it’s possible that a buyer might snap up the Twinkies brand). [DealBook / New York Times] * Seven Am Law 200 firms are saying YES to work on a billion-dollar deal. [Am Law Daily]